“Look after yourself honey, I know you’re young and keen but flying is not like other jobs. There really is a limit to how many hours you can do before it takes its toll”
One of the best about being a flight attendant is working with such a diverse group of fellow crew members of all different ages. Being a relatively new crew member (at least in the scheme of things) where there are several senior cabin crew that have flown for at least 30 years, there are many valuable lessons I’ve learned from the flights that have flown before me. While some may dismiss ‘seniors’ this is unfortunate. Just like an experienced captain, in the event of an emergency, they are often the ones you’d want operating your flight.
They’ve also seen so many situations on board before and have learned the hard way – and the best way – how to confront all that the job throws at us. Here’s some of the best pearls of wisdoms I’ve learned from those that were flying when I was still learning to walk and talk.